You can apply a watermark on a PDF file using the package “setasign/fpdi-fpdf” in Laravel. Here are the steps:
Install the package:
composer require setasign/fpdi-fpdf
Create a new class for watermarking:
use FPDI;
class WatermarkPdf extends FPDI {
public function Header() {}
public function Footer() {}
public function Watermark($file, $text) {
// Set alpha to semi-transparency
// Get the page width/height
$ws = $this->getPageWidth();
$hs = $this->getPageHeight();
// Print the watermark
if ($file) {
$this->Image($file, 0, 0, $ws, $hs);
if ($text) {
$this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 50);
$this->Rotate(45, $ws/2, $hs/2);
$this->Text($ws/2, $hs/2, $text);
// Reset the transparency
Use the class to watermark the PDF:
use WatermarkPdf;
$pdf = new WatermarkPdf();
$pdf->Watermark('watermark.png', 'WATERMARK');
$pdf->Output('watermarked.pdf', 'F');
Note: You can use either an image file or a text as a watermark.